Reproductive rights are fundamental human rights that encompass the ability of individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, including access to contraception, safe and legal abortion, and comprehensive sexual education. These rights are essential for the autonomy and well-being of individuals, allowing them to plan their families, pursue their educational and career goals, and maintain their physical and mental health. By ensuring reproductive rights, societies can promote gender equality, reduce maternal mortality rates, and empower individuals to make choices that align with their values and aspirations. The overturn of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States in 1973, would have far-reaching consequences for reproductive rights and public health. Such a decision would not only restrict access to safe and legal abortion but also undermine the principles of bodily autonomy and privacy. It could lead to an increase in unsafe and illegal abortions, putting the lives and health of individuals at risk. Additionally, the overturn of Roe v. Wade would disproportionately impact marginalized communities, including low-income individuals and people of color, who already face barriers to accessing quality healthcare services. Therefore, protecting and advancing reproductive rights is crucial for promoting social justice, public health, and human rights for all.
National Network of Abortion Funds
National Abortion Federation
Planned Parenthood
Abortion Care Network
Indigenous Women Rising
Reproductive Freedom for All
Northwest Action Abortion Fund
Center for Reproductive Rights
Kentucky Health Justice Network
DC Abortion Funds